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Biomolecular Dynamics of Proteins with Scattering Methods

corrected Dec. 20 2022

Physical background of protein dynamics and neutron scattering

Quasi-elastic Neutron Scattering
Lecture Notes of the 50th IFF Spring School 'Scattering! Soft, Functional and Quantum Materials'
by Joachim Wuttke (2019).
New: Are proteins dynamically heterogeneous? Neutron scattering analysis of hydrogen displacement distributions
research article by Wolfgang Doster, Int. Journ. Mol. and Math. Physics, Vol. 2 (1) 1-14 (2018).
New: Protein Dynamics without energy landscape: a rotation-translation model, combining elastic, time-domain and multiple neutron scattering,
research article by Wolfgang Doster, PNAS 2019, preprint
novel principle component analysis of the protein dynamics problem from a neutron scattering perspective.

"30 years of the protein dynamical transition" talk given at the workshop "50 years of neutron back-scattering spctroscopy" on Sept. 2, 2016 in Garching (TUM). PDF

On Masters and Slaves, Solvent Control of Protein Motion and Function, Les Houches Lecture 2013 PDF

What is a glass transition? PDF

What is a protein dynamical transition? PDF
new definition 2013 PDF

Teaching (German)
Mein Brief zum skandalösen Gutachten der DPG über den Karlsruher Physikkurs PDF

W. Doster, Lehrerfortbildung in Bayreuth: Die Metamorphosen des Wassers,
woher die Schwierigkeiten mit der Entropie kommen und wie sie gelöst werden könnten PDF

Wie erzeugt man Energie? Physik kompakt für Anfänger in 30 min

by Wolfgang Doster, last changes: Dec. 20,2022